Saturday, June 20, 2015

Introduction to Sophia Rising

From earth we rose like metal and stone,
Into air we breathed in the lessons and started to form,
Through fire we have been tried and challenged and forged like great blades,
Then dropped into the Cauldron of Rebirth to cool and be born anew
Under an ever-changing moon.[1]

Sophia Rising Tradition was born 2014 out of the ashes of Katana Moon when life changes occurred. Katana Moon was founded by Scarlet, Blade, and WinterWolf in 2012. Sophia Rising is the over-arching tradition that is non-denominational, focused first on Traditional Craft and the rise of wisdom and enlightenment of all members. It provides the framework or skeleton upon which each coven builds. It draws many of its roots from the Sacred Order of the Black Forest, through which its founders were forged for a number of years from dedication to third degree.[2] Each coven has its own focus of pantheon, path, and practices. For example: Momiji Moon is a syncretic praxis which combines Euro-Celtic folk religions, traditional Wicca and Witchcraft, and East Asian philosophies (Taoism, Shinto, Buddhism, and Zen).

This tradition holds an Outer, Middle and Inner Court system. The Outer Court consists of basic introductory information and experiences in coven work and lasts about three or four months. The Middle Court consists of foundation lessons and practices for the Dedicant and lasts a year and a day. The Inner Court consists of the traditional three degrees as seen in Gardnerian Wicca and Witchcraft.

Sophia Rising is dedicated to serving its community in the many and varied ways it can. As clergy of the various covens, we offer the design and performance of rituals to celebrate rites of passage: Wiccaning/Baby-Blessing, Coming of Age, Handfasting, Eldering/Croning and Crossing Over. We also offer assistance with workshops and seminars, guest lectures and discussion groups, as well as the performance of house/business/personal cleansings[3] and blessings. Although our practices are predominantly of Traditional Wicca and of Paganism, we will readily custom design a ritual to suit someone’s personal preferences and celebratory practice.

Clergy are not just ritual leaders, mentors or counselors. As clergy of Sophia Rising, we stand ready to work through healing, life challenges, protection, and many other aspects that rise as the needs of the community change. Some of us stand at the forefront while others of us provide the foundations, support network, and protective shields. We are all different people and serve our community best by serving with our own true nature.

Membership in each coven is through invitation or application. These are not open study groups. As our focus is clergy training and community service, we generally do not train individuals new to the Craft. We consider candidates who already have a strong background in Wicca and Paganism and who demonstrate interest in serving their community in some way.

The clergy training process is a commitment of several intensive years, and it involves a willingness for self-transformation. Sophia Rising covens meets for every full, dark and new waxing crescent Esbat, and once a month for lessons, readings and practices. It also meets every Sabbat proper to celebrate together. There is an annual retreat for all member of Sophia Rising Tradition. And, 3rd Degree Initiates attend a personal retreat of self-care hosting by the other members of the Inner Court.

In Service,
With Honor & Love

Lady Scarlet
High Priestess of Momiji Moon
A Coven of Sophia Rising Tradition

[1] “Transformation”, by T. Scarlet Jory, 2011
[2] Sacred Order of the Black Forest is also known as BFC (Black Forest Clan) or Tradition of the Black Forest.
[3] Cleansing here refers to the spiritual cleansing/purification process, banishing negativity.

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