Sophia Rising

Sophia Rising is the name of the overarching tradition. This is to honor the concept of Wisdom within us and to strive ever towards that enlightened state in our ever changing lives. It is non-denominational as a tradition. The core is in the commitment to become enlightened members of the community, to lead (sometimes just by example), and to serve the community in the many ways that we can.

As a tradition, there are some aspects that remain consistent from coven to coven.
  • Honoring of Sophia as a divine lunar aspect
  • To practice and pass on Traditional Craft
  • To celebrate the 8 Sabbats
  • To do personal/group work at the Full and Dark and New Moons
  • To serve the community and/or support those who do.
There are three courts and three initiate levels to this tradition:
  • Outer Court: To assess the knowledge and interest and prepare candidates/applicants for dedication
  • Middle Court / Dedicant: Dedicate to the tradition for a year and a day to learn the foundations of the tradition and those of the coven one is in.
  • Inner Court / 3 Degree Initiations: deeper understanding of the Craft, delving into the mysteries, mentoring and serving, specializing.
All covens under this tradition will have this schedule:
  • Ritual work at the Full, Dark, and New moons
  • Celebrating the Sabbats
  • Following any ritual days specific to you or your coven under the tradition
  • Meeting to learn, share and discuss Craft and Practice
  • Inner Court meet to discuss their Work (in service of the Divine)
  • An annual retreat
  • 3rd Degree Retreat hosted by the 2nd Degree Initiates

Expected reading material:
  • Sophia: Goddess of Wisdom by Caitlin Matthews
  • True Magick by Amber K
  • Solitary Wicca for Life by Arin Murphy-Hiscock


  1. I would like to learn more about who started this tradition and when it started. Thank you!

    1. I started reading your blog Scarlet which answered my questions. Thank you! It looks like a profoundly inspired path with great integrity.
