Monday, July 25, 2016

Moon Rites

Moon rites continue to be a stable of this coven's work. I host Dark Moons and now Full Moons for the public. I am glad everyone seems to benefit from attending them as much as I do sharing them.

Dark Moons: for introspection and letting go (honoring Morrighan & Raven)

Full Moons: celebrating wisdom, creativity, and exploration (Honoring Sophia & Cat)

There is a third moon that I do, specifically for Momiji. I usually do this one privately. Last New Crescent Moon, I hosted it for the public. We all listened to the meaning of vows as my own commitments. Then we considered a virtue: Heroic Courage.

"Courage is not blind, it is intelligent and strong. While always remaining cautious and on point, the warrior is not easily intimidated."

"Bushido distinguishes between bravery and courage: Courage is worthy of being counted among virtues only if it’s exercised in the cause of Righteousness and Rectitude. In his Analects, Confucius says: ‘Perceiving what is right and doing it not reveals a lack of Courage.’ In short, ‘Courage is doing what is right.’"

Along with virtues, we consider choice we make in our lives, choices that will benefit our lives, and encourage out personal growth. My own was to write at least weekly, something that was not WORK or SCHOOL related. Write for the fun of it. This is good for my soul and sometimes I need to remind myself of it.

Finally, we made offerings or promises of offerings to Momiji for the blessings she brings into my life and possibly into the lives of others. I promised to visit the Botanical Gardens and give some energy to the momiji bonsais. I managed to do this on my birthday (July 24th) and made an event of it so that others can enjoy the gardens. It was such a fulfilling afternoon.