Equinoxes bring about change and balance. Everything equalizes. Sometimes that means the few weeks before the Equinox are a flurry of events and activities, chaos and emotions. Sometimes it is like the calm before the storm, everything feels stagnant and unmoving.
Sometimes you have both situations paradoxically at the same time.
The Equinox falls exactly between the Full Moon and the Dark Moon this year. So here are some things to consider for these weeks of energy.
Full Moon
Month of the Ivy: Search
for the self, nourishing your soul, inner strength, facing our mistakes,
self-evaluation, tenacity, survival, primal, instinctual, ruthless,
constricting, breaking barriers, reformulation of reality
Harvest Moon: A
good time clean and clear up the issues of life. A ritual for healing old
wounds, emotional and physical, forgiving transgressors and yourself. A
"letting go" time. Your harvesting the abundance of your soul and
your growth, so get rid of that old stuff and make room for the new enlightened
You are reaping what you have sewn over the year.
Dark Moon
Introspection. Take some time for YOU, to adjust to the dark half of the year and ready yourself for it. Think about what you have gained and harvested. Think about what you need to cope with the coming darkness and cold.
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